Mower alert, MU Tigers
Not going to brag, but I've got my mower blades sharpened and other whatnot ready to roll. I'm carefully monitoring ...
Not going to brag, but I've got my mower blades sharpened and other whatnot ready to roll. I'm carefully monitoring ...
Kansas City suspended their city manager for being found liable for ousting an employee who would not lie to the ...
We may not be hitting any records in science and math, but we have done a remarkable job in the ...
Foley sent me a DOGE email last week, asking what I had accomplished the week prior. I promptly replied that ...
Winter is a stupid concept. Not sure of its origin, but probably something to do with some right-wing type of ...
The Kansas City Chiefs got a case of ass whip opened on them Sunday. Happens. The other teams try, too. ...
Apparently if the Chiefs win the Super Bowl this weekend, Kansas City officials have deemed it safe enough to have ...
This is my winter column. Don't judge me. I've been on this planet for 58 years and have spent every ...
Let's get into our nerdy feelings. Don't look now, but residential real estate may be returning to some sort of ...
I can't afford Donald Trump's America. Despite the historical significance of the event, $700 a night Hampton Inns are not ...
Platte City has placed proposed new taxes on the ballot for hotel stays and marijuana sales and it just screams ...
Did you survive the weekend blizzard? It was a doozie. It all started with freezing rain turning area roads into ...
Is it just me or do others celebrate the end of the holiday? I'm not trying to be rude to ...
Let's rock this Christmas column. Small town Christmases are like everyone's doctor, people think theirs is the best. I stumbled ...
I emailed Sam Graves' office last week as part of my Christmas wish list. Normally, I'd let Santa Claus handle ...
Rumor is another “data center” is going to be coming to the area soon. The next one to be in ...
I have reached the age of religiously reading obituaries. It's like a task that must be completed a few times ...
While the internet is often a cesspool of information and exchange, I stumbled on a data site recently that fascinated ...
I'm trying to move myself out of the election euphoria stage, but it's tough. Every time I start to move ...
Time for a myth buster. There are plenty of parking spaces in Downtown Platte City. I mean, you may not ...