Modifying his own earlier decision, Platte County Circuit Court Judge Abe Shafer has significantly reduced the sentence he handed down to a Platte County man guilty of raping and sodomizing a child and possessing child pornography. In a move some observers say is extremely rare, Shafer acted upon his own motion and gave consideration to modifying a 26-year prison sentence to Aaron R. Joordens, 39. The judge last week knocked off nearly 75 percent of his original sentence, deciding to reduce Joorden’s time in prison to seven years. The action by Shafer came one month after the publication Missouri Lawyers Weekly in a front page story detailed how Shafer has repeatedly gone above and beyond guidelines set forth by the Sentencing Advisory Commission. That article focused on the possibility of the Sentencing Advisory Commission being abolished.
Law enforcement investigative documents obtained by The Landmark indicate a then-supervisor in the Platte County human resources department informed employees under her that she would give them–and herself–an extra two weeks of paid vacation “because they did not get a raise.” Though no charges have been filed against anyone in the HR department, information uncovered in the process of the criminal investigation may have led to disciplinary action against LeAnna Fannon. Sources are telling The Landmark that Fannon was placed on paid administrative leave for a week.