Recent efforts to increase funding for mental health services in Platte County failed to address the actual demand for those additional services or the nearly $3 million that Platte County taxpayers are already sending to the Clay Platte Ray Mental Health Board each year.
Regarding the actual demand for additional mental health services in Platte County, please see the study entitled “Mental Health Data for 0-19 Year Olds in Platte County, Missouri” released by the Platte County Health Department on Jan. 8 of this year. Here is a link:
When compared to the state as a whole and to the other five counties in Missouri that already have a Children’s Services Fund, Platte County’s youth mental health situation appears to be less of a problem than previously reported. And it appears to be improving.
And for the last several weeks, I’ve been working with the Clay Platte Ray Mental Health Board in an effort to see whether or not Platte County residents are receiving mental health services equal to the $3 million in property tax money that we send to this tri-county agency each year. What I learned was very surprising – there is no way to tell because that information just isn’t tracked.
And so as authorized by state statute and the joint agreement signed by all three counties, I’m asking the CPRMHB to a) begin delivery-of-services tracking by county; b) submit monthly and quarterly reports containing this tracking data; and c) submit their annual budget to the commission.
I hope to find that our Platte County tax dollars are being allocated to the mental health needs of Platte County citizens.
Honored to serve.
--Scott Fricker
Platte County
Presiding Commissioner