I was just reading your Between the Lines column online and in particular your comments on the “forever tax.”
I would like to add my comments to yours about the county’s multiple forever taxes.
*The current commissioners somehow in their own minds have said that just because the voters approved taxing themselves for children’s mental health services doesn’t mean the county commissioners have to set up a process for actually collecting and spending the money. Really?
*As far as the current county ‘forever’ taxes that pay for such things as county commissioners salaries and benefits, using their logic (if that is what it should be called), then the county should let the funds from the current county taxes accumulate BUT don’t authorize spending of it.
*And the “best” reason for not spending the children’s mental health funds is that every man, woman and child in Platte County did not vote for the tax. As several others have stated, that is tortured logic and if they really believe that then they should resign immediately since NOT EVERYONE in the county voted for them.
Come to think of it maybe there needs to be mental health assistance for county commissioners.
–Ken Martin
Platte County Native, Surprise, Az.