In the early 1800's, Europeans began to adapt the games of cricket and rounders into a new game that would...
Read moreBob Griffin died last week. I suppose many will say, who? Time does that to legends. For 15 years, Bob...
Read moreI'm late to this party, but that's not necessarily unusual for me when it comes to television viewing options. If...
Read more'Merica, baby. Wow, what an impressive July 4th event pulled off on relatively short notice by the City of Platte...
Read moreI took in my first 4th of July on the Platte City square and color me impressed and sweaty. Excellent...
Read moreAs you've probably noticed by the commercials every 12 seconds on TV, the Olympics are almost here. Let's set aside...
Read moreEDITOR: I appreciated the light hearted conversation in Between the Lines recently about the splash pad's delayed opening in Platte...
Read moreIt's time to free Britney Spears. This is not up for debate. I'll die on that hill. Platte City's July...
Read moreI have bad news. I did not include my comma in the headline of a recent column. To refresh, I...
Read moreLeave it to baseball to have a multitude of right options and choose the dumbest one. This is a story...
Read moreEDITOR: WOW! Just WOW!! Last week's Between the Lines was overflowing with news and useful information. Thanks for keeping us...
Read moreSomebody asked me if I'm too shy to wear a Speedo into the dunk tank on July 4. The answer...
Read moreWelcome to the summer in Missouri. We currently have approximately 25 hours of daylight and it's exhausting to me. I'll...
Read moreThe sign on the door read "DINING ROOM CLOSED--STAFF SHORTAGE." The note went on to explain that the drive thru...
Read moreRecently, the Discovery Channel bought Time Warner, or Time Warner bought Discovery channel. Or something. It was a $43 billion...
Read moreI sprained my ankle day drinking in Smithville last weekend. That doesn't seem consistent with my chronological age. Probably break...
Read moreYour Landmarkers get out and about. Well, unless we have active warrants. It's official. Your Landmark columnist Chris Kamler is...
Read moreEDITOR: Harvey Greer sent the following letter to Parkville Mayor Nan Johnston and shared it with The Landmark. Dear Mayor...
Read moreEDITOR: My name is William Heflin, I'm 14 and live in Platte County. As a baseball player myself, I end...
Read moreSome towns really know how to put together a parade. You can count Weston as one of those towns. Case...
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