This is a story about a farm with a cock problem.
Since they were cockerel’s there have always been two that never seemed to get along. Zuck and Elon were the names my cousin gave them. Zuck strutted, but with a very stiff gate. And Elon liked to crow loudly – especially in the evenings.
Elon came from a rooster who was the cock of the walk. And he was handed all of the trappings a good, young rooster would need. Warm place to sleep. Great feed. A pick of all of the hens in the entire coop. He was drawn to shiny things and soon began to grab these shiny things and build them into his own coop.
The Zuck bird was awkward from the start, but as he went into adolescence, got more creative to woo the hens back to his chicken coop. Soon, he was making new chickens all his own.
But these two birds never got along and would often need to be separated.
Last year, the Elon cock decided to take over the coop of another rooster. There was a brief fight, but the losing rooster eventually relented and moved elsewhere. The coop happened to be in the vicinity of Zuck’s coop and we knew there was going to eventually be trouble.
The Zuck cock worked hard to keep his coop looking sharp. While the Elon chicken took his coop and let it deteriorate under his watch. There was straw everywhere and sometimes it would be easy for rodents and roaches to sneak in.
All the while, these two cocks would strut around the farm giving each other the side eye. These two haven’t liked each other and it was evident by their body language and actions.
One day, the farmer got an idea to sell one of the cocks to keep the stress low on the farm, so the hens would lay more eggs. He decided that the biggest cock would stay, the smallest cock would be sold.
The farmer decided to have a cock measuring contest between Elon and Zuck in full view of the world.
People came far and wide once word got out about the measuring contest. Folks from several counties around to watch what would happen. Even the local news sent a camera crew out to see the contest ensue.
Both cocks were brought out as the crowd gasped and cheered. Both cocks clawed at each other throughout and began to rip off feathers as the measuring commenced. The whole thing was a right and dirty mess.
At the end of the day, a lot of time was wasted and a ton of resources, only to find that the two cocks were identical in size. And, frankly, that size was pretty normal for that breed.
Which brings me to the point of it all – you’re never going to get anywhere if all you’re looking for to solve your problem is a cock measuring exercise – – especially when dealing with Elon and Zuck.
(You might find Chris Kamler cock fighting on Twitter, where he is known as @TheFakeNed)