Platte City Lions Club will observe its 40th anniversary with a Charter Night Banquet Friday night at Platte County R-3 High School auditorium. Dinner for Lions, their ladies and other guests will be catered by the Women of the Platte City United Methodist Church. Arvid Edwards will serve as master of ceremonies and the R-3 Jazz Ensemble will provide entertainment.
The Easter portion of George Frederic Handel’s Choral masterpiece “The Messian” as arranged by J.A. Dasker, will be performed by the Chancel Choir of the United Methodist Church of Platte City during the worship service on Palm Sunday under the direction of Mrs. Kristie Garrelts. Selections from the Christmas portion will also be presented.
A faulty flue was cited as the cause for a fire at the Kenneth Lyons home, located on mile east of Interurban Road, Tuesday afternoon. The Platte City Volunteer Fire Department responded to the blaze and quickly brought it under control. The fire was detected shortly after it started, thus preventing a major loss of property. Since the beginning of the year, fire department spokesperson Steve Hardesty reported there have been five fires that started as a result of defective flues.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McLarney of North Kansas City announce the birth of their daughter, Erin Kathleen..