We may not be hitting any records in science and math, but we have done a remarkable job in the United States of teaching everyone about Eastern European public policy. Every person I know has an opinion on Ukraine. Shout out to all the European public policy teachers out there, you’re killing it, take a moment to celebrate yourself.
I’ve fallen behind on public policy ever since my mother sold my globe at a garage sale in 1985. Just can’t get a grip on everything from Google maps like I could from the globe that sat in our dining room. I don’t blame her really, who would have known that Ukraine would split from Russia and then Russia would want it back and so on and so forth? She probably wasn’t thinking about that in ’85.
Probably wanted to replace the globe decor with some Fiesta Ware or something a little fancier, who knows?
Pretty sure the globe and set of slightly used 1966-ish Encyclopedias went in that ’85 purge of education from my household. Pretty much lost our educational edge as a family that day, been a slow downhill slide ever since.
I suppose they replaced home economics with European public policy in the schools that caused this. I have no idea, my only involvement with schools is sending them “yuge” checks via the county treasurer each year.
As long as I live, I will never understand the “economic boycotts” that are employed as some sort of political punishment. They rarely work and they generally hurt the very people that propose and carry them out. Here me out on this.
Almost every single 401K, pension and stock plan holds the companies that get targeted in these things. Something both the left and right of center movements try from time to time.
So, you attack Amazon, Tesla, Target, or United Health, you are attacking the funds that pay your pension or keep your nest egg. This includes public safety pensions, teacher pensions and everything in between. You are cutting off your nose to spite your face when you partake in this nonsense.
Foley’s column last week was pretty depressing to me. The outgrowth of local government is usurping any cuts we think we might get in federal government. Schools, libraries, counties, cities, and the plethora of government have attached themselves to the American taxpayer like ticks on a mangy dog and I’m not sure we will ever be able to remove them all. Foley must have written 1500 words on taxes just around here, prepare your wallets accordingly as the blood sucking will continue until morale improves.
(Guy Speckman can be reached staging an economic embargo attack on no one)