Local businessman Olin Miller was named the Truman Glenn Award recipient at the Platte City Chamber of Commerce’s annual dinner Saturday evening. The Truman Glenn Award, named after the late Platte City mayor, honors Platte City individuals who volunteer their time and services to better the community.
Congressman Sam Graves visited Parkville on Monday afternoon to help break ground for the Rush Creek bank stabilization project in English Landing Park. Parkville officials said Graves was instrumental in obtaining $776,000 in federal funding to assist the city in repairing the Rush Creek bank erosion.
The Platte County Pirate wrestling team was able to capture their third consecutive team state championship and sixth overall win last weekend.
Over the objection of one landowner involved, formation of a Neighborhood Improvement District (NID) for Brink-Meyer Road split the Parkville aldermen 4-4, forcing Mayor Kathy Dusenbery to break the tie. She voted in favor. The $3.2 million road improvements to the sharp curve of Brink-Meyer will be transformed into a T- intersection for safety reasons. The road will also become a detour during this summer’s Missouri Department of Transportation construction plan for the Hwy. K and Hwy. 45 exchange.