Supporting the R-3 bond issue
EDITOR: On April 8, voters living in the Platte County R-3 School District boundaries have an opportunity to help finish a very important job. Voting yes on the ballot question will fund Phase 2 of the high school rebuild project...
Mike Thompson FOX 4 Chief Meteorologist
What’s up landmark peeps
Kansas city blocks tornados due to heat of the city?
Hello from dispatch, Shanna’s Dad!
What about global warming– are we going to keep having warmer weather? Should we start planting cactus instead of roses?
Mike Thompson is the best !
What’s up fellow Navy Veteran Mike Thompson
Im ready to play…
Who wants to play for prizes?
Okay you’re first Gary
Common brad
Anyone else. Mike will answer
Navy vet to navy vet
Mike best not fail his fellow Navy brother
Anyone else want to win
Sylvia brad
We were going to get physical mike
Want to trade sylvia?
what do u have
Lone star
Ok …ivan Sylvia gets lonestar and me the temptations
Thank Sylvia
No prob
Thank you for your service Mike!
Thanks all of you!
Hi Mike, How are you doing, it is lightning down here in Burlington.
I should mention – we are still trying to figure out how to see all of your comments during the show. I have to say, I didn’t see ANY of these comments while asking for Trivia players last night. If I would have, I would’ve made mention of some of them. Sorry folks!
Facebook is a fickle animal. So weird how many of these comments dont show up on our phones while we are live.