Mr. and Mrs. Bill Inojos of Platte City announce the birth of their daughter, Tami Marie, on March 15, 1976 at the St. John Hospital in Leavenworth. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moppin of Platte City are the maternal grandparents and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Inojos of Leavenworth are the paternal grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace B. Pratt of Farley, Mo. announce the engagement of their daughter, Cynthia Ann Pratt, to Daniel Edwin Booth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Booth of Willow Springs, Mo. The couple plan a June 26 wedding.
Platte County families were honored for their management ability on March 9 by the Chamber of Commerce of Greater Kansas City. They were welcomed to the event by George M. Frost, representing the Chamber. The families are Mr. and Mrs. Jean Deal, Camden Point and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Poos, Platte City.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ingerson of Leavenworth announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Debra, to David L. Foster, U.S. Navy, son of Mrs. Kenneth Burden of Lathrop, Mo., and Mr. Donald Foster of Dearborn.
Harrel Ferrel is improving nicely at the North Kansas City Hospital after surgery on Tuesday.