The Platte City Police Department received a new patrol car Friday. The car, a 1980 Chevrolet Impala, has been ordered since November. According to Police Chief Roger Baskett, the car will replace a 1976 Nova previously used by the department.
Wells Bank of Platte City opened its new drive-in banking facility last week. Wells Hull, president, said the public response to the new facility is gratifying. Hull admitted to The Landmark reporter that he doubted that the expense of the drive-in addition could be classified as a “money-maker” but “service and convenience” is the name of the game in banking.
Thirteen Platte County R-3 athletes were honored for their accomplishment at the annual winter sports banquet held Monday night at the high school. John Anderson was named most valuable player for the 1979-80 basketball Pirates. Anderson also received awards for best offensive player and all conference honorable mention. He shares co-captain title with Mark Miller.
Burglars made off with an undetermined amount of cash after breaking into Big Al’s North Lounge sometime between Sunday afternoon and Monday morning. According to Platte City police reports, entry was gained through a back door that had been forced open and the hinges removed.