More snow and ice this week added to a long dreary winter. Thursday the weatherman promised a warming period of spring weather.
Ida Cox has filed for the Democratic nomination as Platte County Recorder of Deeds. She is employed at McDaniel Title Company in Platte City.
The Blue and Gold Banquet was the main feature of the February meeting of Pack 248. Over 250 people attended the meeting and brought buffet dishes that filled the Platte County High School gym with the aroma of homemade cooking. The opening ceremony was presented by representatives of the Dens and Webelos. Allan Crum gave the invocation, then everyone settled down to a delicious meal. Cubmaster Jack Coots presided during the meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Boyd, of Camden Point, will be celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary on Sunday, March 19 at the Camden Point Baptist Church from 2-4 p.m. The couple was married on March 21, 1918 in Liberty. They have two children, four grandchildren and three great-granddaughters. An invitation is extended to all friends and relatives to come be with them on this day. They request no gifts, please.