KC movie critic contemplates retirement

He speaks fluent German and has been a movie critic since the earth cooled…

I’m talking about Jack Poessiger, of course, the author of Jack Goes Confidential and New Jack City here on KCC.

So has Man Jack unleashed his last Jack Goes to the Movies movie review?

“Well, we’ll see,” he says. “I don’t know. I haven’t decided yet. It’s had a long run, but right now it’s on hiatus. But I’m not going to do Jack Goes Streaming or Jack Does Netflix. That’s not my bag.”

What about reviewing the new Tom Hanks war movie Greyhound?

“You mean, like Jack Goes to the Apple Mart,” Poessiger quips. “They sent me a link, but I’m not going to review it. I’ll leave that to Shawn Edwards.”

The high point of Jack’s movie reviewing career?

Probably the mid 1980s at the KY102 studios when it became kind of a fun, Friday afternoon on the air. A five minute feature turned into a 15 minute fun fest – kind of an end of the week party.”

The low point?

“When I got a call from the station saying tonight is the last night. And we all went down to the station for the last few hours before they switched formats at midnight. That was a sad night.”

Wildest printable memory?

Oh, I don’t remember. Probably the blowouts they used to have at the drive-ins. You name it, and it happened.”

All of that said, don’t count Poessiger out here on KC Confidential.

His New Jack City column about travel, movie news, you-name-it will continue.

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