‘Largest single development in city’s history’
It'll include light industrial and residential areas east of I-29, north of Hwy. 92 What is described as the largest ...
It'll include light industrial and residential areas east of I-29, north of Hwy. 92 What is described as the largest ...
She isn't technically gone quite yet--tradition says the new mayor gets sworn in next Tuesday--but what I'll miss most about ...
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hoskins of Platte City are pleased to announce the wedding date of their daughter, Sherry Lynn, ...
The Buckler family is inviting all friends and relatives to a party to help Mamie Buckler celebrate her 100th birthday. ...
Some Parkville city officials have met with a development group studying the possibility of building a casino at Interstate 435 ...
Incident occurred in hallway of Platte City hotel Authorities have charged a local man who police say swung a machete ...
Real estate development company Hunt Midwest has procured a parcel of land north of the Kansas City International Airport in ...
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Selleck of Kansas City announce the birth of their son, Michael Aaron Selleck, Jr. Mrs. Selleck ...
Two Platte City men have been charged in connection with a sweep through Platte and Clay counties last week by ...
Of the three separate wards in the Platte City Board of Aldermen election, every incumbent was defeated by their challenger ...
EDITOR: Missouri Sen. Tony Luetkemeyer submitted an article to March 23 Landmark regarding his sponsorship of legislation to increase funding ...
A five-year-old Weatherby Lake resident is doing his part to help the kids of Ukraine. It's a toy drive and ...
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Kamphefner of Platte City announce the birth of their daughter Alissia Kae, on March 6, 1977 ...
A musical comedy, "Do Black Leather Shoes Really Reflect Up?" has been chosen as the spring play at Platte County ...
Frances E. Durham, treasurer of Platte County, attended the State Treasurers Convention in Jefferson City on March 15 and 16. ...
Three candidates have filed for the two Platte County R-3 School Board positions in the April 7 election. They are ...
Platte County's first murder in more than 18 months is a bizarre case, with the alleged killer--who is a teacher ...
Nellie Coffey will be retiring April 3 as postmaster at Camden Point. Mrs. Coffey has served since 1952 as a ...
The Pocket Park at the west end of Main Street in Platte City is being transformed into a new historically ...
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hendrix of Farley announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Becky Susan, to Steven ...