At the regular breakfast meeting of the Platte City Chamber of Commerce Thursday morning, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Mike McGinness, president; Jack Cockrill, vice-president; Vera Burke, secretary; and Jack Coots, treasurer.
The Platte City Lions Club ham and bean dinner, games and auction last Sunday proved to be very successful financially. The proceeds from this project plus numerous cash donations have gone over the required $2,500 for the first cornea transplant surgery and available to pay hospital and doctors costs. The Lions are continuing their campaign to raise funds for the second cornea transplant and will have their annual chili supper at the high school cafeteria.
On Sunday, Sept. 30, Clifton and Inez Pancake will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with an open house at the Barry Christian Church. Mr. and Mrs. Pancake are retired farmers. Clifton also has worked as a millwright for 28 years.
Tom Brann, who has completed his tour of duty in the Army at Augsburg, Germany, has returned to the United States. He will be living at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nighswonger, until his wife arrives from Germany.