For the second time, a Platte County judge has had a change of heart involving the length of a prison sentence for an admitted child rapist. Platte County Prosecutor Eric Zahnd had appealed Judge Abe Shafer’s decision to reduce the prison time of Aaron Joordens, 39, from 26 years down to seven years. Joordens had pled guilty to raping a 16-year-old child and of possessing child pornography. On Tuesday, Shafer announced he would vacate his amended judgment, meaning Joordens’ sentence is returned to the original 26-year prison term.
A search committee has been formed and the process of finding a new director for the Platte County Regional Sewer District is underway. Two of the five members of the sewer district board of trustees will compose a search committee. Those members are Deb Hammond and Aaron Jung. Chuck Reineke submitted his resignation as executive director last week. Reineke had been placed on administrative leave by the board of trustees a few days prior to submitting his resignation.
Employees of the City of Platte City honored Milton “Bub” Hensley at a luncheon at the Civic Center. “Bub” has been with the city’s public works department for the past 13 years and will be retiring this month from his duties as a street foreman. Mayor Frank Offutt presented a plaque to Hensley.