Winter is a stupid concept. Not sure of its origin, but probably something to do with some right-wing type of covert operation. I suspect it was Project 2025 before Project 2025. Either way, I voted against this nonsense.
If Elon can fix the government, catch rockets falling out of the sky, couldn’t he fix Missouri winters? Seems like an easy ask at this point. I voted for him and Donnie, so I feel like I should get what I want. Isn’t that how this works?
Remember when we had an incapacitated president and everyone on his team said he was the sharpest guy in the room? Those were the days.
I sometimes wake up at night and wonder if Kamala shot her gun recently. Honestly, we heard about her being a gun owner for like a two-day news cycle and never heard about it again. Is she still packing heat, or no? Someone get the networks on this ASAP.
Foley reported last week that he entered a Landmark team of me and Kamler in an “undie race” in downtown Kansas City. I can assure you that I am among the slowest of all of the current and former Landmark columnists and employees. The lack of attire is just further evidence that Foley put no thought into this choice. Foley putting us in a race to represent The Landmark is kind of the Bob Boone of newspaper management errors. He needs to do better.
I didn’t show for the race that he entered us in and if that means I’m headed to the unemployment line with my federal employee brethren, then it is what it is.
I don’t want to brag but I bought one of those big snow pusher shovels last week at the local hardware store. These are made for powder snow, and I have to admit, they are the absolute best way to push snow off your driveway, at least that is what my wife says.
I’ve got an 11-year-old dog that has taken a turn for the worse of late and we are worried about him. His name is Zeke and I think he was originally my daughter’s dog, but she went off to live her life and left him behind after a few years and he doesn’t like me much.
I picked him up in a Ravenwood, Mo. bank parking lot back in 2013 or so and I think he was separated from his mother a little early because he has mommy issues.
He only likes my wife, and he would literally die for her. He has spent 11 years maintaining a perimeter protection of her from me at all times. Don’t get me wrong, we have learned to co-exist and I love him, but we both have trust issues. I feed him on time, and he lets me live here and come and go as I please, as long as it is not too close to the wife, and he prefers I never make any sudden movements.
Anyway, he’s kind of like me and got some arthritis and he hates this weather but he’s 77. We had his blood work done last week and the vet said he is good, but I’m not sure he believes that science, cause he doesn’t seem good. He probably would have preferred us to spend the blood work money on treats.
Anyway, Zeke is trying to hang on through this winter spell and we’re hoping that he sees another spring. Life comes at you fast, folks.
(Guy Speckman can be reached not patiently waiting for winter to end)