A forum for power outage complaints


Platte City residents and business owners can have their complaints about electrical outages heard on Monday.

Representatives from Evergy, the electrical provider, will be on hand at a meeting of the Platte County Commission on Monday, Dec. 19. The meeting begins at 10 a.m. at the Platte County Resource Center, 11724 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City in Platte County. The Evergy portion of the agenda will be toward the end of the commission meeting.

Joe Vanover, second district county commissioner, says any business owner or resident who has comments but will not be able to attend on Monday can email him their comments and concern about the power outages. Vanover’s email address is joe.vanover@co.platte.mo.us.

“The public is welcome to attend and speak. If members of the Platte City community have any comments they want Evergy to hear, I can relay comments to Evergy during the meeting,” Vanover said. “It is important for Evergy to know how power outages affect our businesses and the community.”

Power outages in Platte City that some customers and government officials are considering too frequent and too lengthy have spurred complaints. Those complaints have been spoken in public online forums by customers and spoken in person to Evergy representatives by local government officials.

Power outages in Platte City are not a new thing. Reliability issues have plagued the electrical system in the city for years. Outages in the downtown business district have been frequent, and some customers say they believe the problem is getting more frequent.

An unofficial count by some Evergy customers in Platte City indicates there have been four outages of about eight hours or more over the course of the past six months.

The general area of the city that has been hit with frequent outages can be described as north of Hwy. 92 into downtown and south of Hwy. 92 along the Second and Fourth Street corridors. It is essentially everything west of the Platte County R-3 campus, city officials say.

Platte City serves as the county seat and as such is home to the Platte County Courthouse where court proceedings for the Sixth Judicial Circuit are held, the Platte County Administration building home to the county’s administrative offices, and the county juvenile services office.

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