Put the burden of proof on the assessor

Letter to the Editor


Having the inside of your home photographed or searched to disprove an over-assessment is not voluntary. You can refuse but you will be penalized by having to pay the over-assessment.

A home search by the assessor should be a rare occurrence, not a default position, putting the burden of proof on the assessor and maintaining the Fourth Amendment rights of the homeowner.

I was disappointed watching your “Landmark Live” with Sen. Tony Luetkemeyer. Forcing the assessor’s office to do their job to prove the assessment and giving the homeowner the favor of a home search only if the assessment is over 15% is no protection or cap at all. The senator talked about his five percent cap bill, that if put on a ballot would be popular with the public. The bill passed the Senate but stalled in the House, why?

If our representatives really cared about seniors being displaced from their homes, they would eliminate property tax for those over age 65 on fixed incomes.

       --Dr. Tim Altenburg DDS
         Kansas City in
         Platte County
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