Weston should get ahead of the game

Letter to the Editor


A very wise man came by the warehouse about a week ago and asked me, “What does Weston want?”

I told him that I didn’t think that Weston knew what it wanted. With the urban sprawl coming north of the airport, the train is coming down the track. Weston can be engulfed by others regarding city limits or react. Do some research on Gardner-Edgerton and what happened there or look at Platte City and the building east and south of the city limits. We will find that being ahead of the game will benefit Weston in the long run and partially replace being run over in its tracks.

Offering protection to the town is city leadership responsibility. It doesn’t call for being asleep at the wheel. Someone else will develop a plan to come to your city limits and there will be no stopping it.

                  --Louis Smither
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