Rein in the library board

Letter to Editor


I am a lifelong Platte County resident, a business owner and a fiscal conservative, and proud to say all three. I am also a firefighter, so I know the value of community supported services.

Each public dollar needs to be accountable and put to good use. I believe that strongly. That’s why I support my library system. They understand that too. I know what they do for people everyday, and it’s a lot more than just books.

Most people I know would say supporting the library is a given. So why are the library board members from my own county getting in the way? Are they bored or just so entitled that they don’t realize how many people still need the library?

I’m calling on Platte County Commissioner Ron Schieber to rein these people in. I voted for you, sir, and if you want my vote again I expect more.

              --Kent Pine
                Platte City
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