Controlling the climate is fantasy

Climate worry


With 6.1 % of the earth’s land mass and talk of the ‘green new deal’ Guy Speckman (Aug. 10 Ponder the Thought column) is one of the few who understand how the system works and how it won’t work. What the promoters smoke and drink, you don’t want any of it. The U.S. can’t solve its own problems, much less the world’s problems.

Our system promotes hauling oil and gas from Russia because we only have a 400-year supply in America. That is a fine contribution to a ‘green new deal.’ If comes by tankers I would suspect.

The U.S. has enough forest fires that last for months and cost millions that don’t do anything but harm the environment. The U.S. should spend that money managing forests better to prevent fires.

The best thing that the U.S. can do is to try to become carbon neutral. The way you do that is through agriculture and selling carbon credits. Grain farming is basically done from April through October. With winter cover crops planted after harvest and running until the next planting season, carbon is controlled much better than it is now and those producing carbon can buy carbon credits to neutralize their damage or be spanked.

Guy Spekman should do a paragraph or two on ‘carbon sequestering’ just for fun.

In 90% of the cases, government is not here to help. Common sense is still in demand and the government is lacking in it in most cases.

            --Louis Smither
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