45 Years Ago–August 5, 1977

Final contract between Platte County Historical Society and the Platte Purchase Chapter D.A.R. have been completed on the Ben Ferrel Museum and the society has leased the DAR’s half of the property at Third and Oak Streets in Platte City at $1 per year for 99 years with a release clause every 25 years. Named to the first board were Mrs. Don (Betty) Soper, chairman; Walter Dowd and Carl Myers from the PCHS and Mrs. B.T. (Blanche) Brown and Mrs. James (Sarah Jane) Higgins, regent DAR. A goal of six years has been set for the restoration project, completing it in 1983 in time to celebrate the mini-mansion’s centennial birthday.

Forty-four people voted in the ward one election Tuesday and elected Jo Goodin as alderman to fill the unexpired term on the Platte City Board of Aldermen.

Mrs. Guy B. Park of Columbia, Mo. formerly of Platte City observed her 89th birthday last Thursday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Henrietta Krause in Columbia. All of her family were present including her granddaughter, Peggy, her husband and two children of England, her other granddaughter, Mary Krause of Columbia and her grandson, Guy Park Krause of Nevada, Mo.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lay and family moved this week to Fayette, Mo. to make their home there.

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