30 Years Ago–July 17, 1992

Mrs. Anne Jones, superintendent of the Platte County Fair Queen Contest, presented the Miss Congeniality Award to Julie Mobley, 18, at the annual Fair Queen Pageant held Monday night. Julie, a Park Hill graduate, is the daughter of Frank and Mary Mobley, Weatherby Lake, and is sponsored by Dr. Steven Billings.

Donna Walker of Weston is pictured holding an Aug. 20, 1875 copy of The Landmark which she found in some papers of an estate. It advertises a heavy men’s suit “worth $9 for $7.50.” It also has 100 pounds of flour for $3.50 and a pound of butter for 15 cents. Copies of The Landmark dating to 1865 are on microfilm at the Missouri State Historical Society on the University of Missouri campus at Columbia.

The City of Dearborn has entered the 1992 Missouri Community Betterment (MCB) Awards Competition. The state-sponsored program is designed to encourage local volunteer projects that will make a community more attractive to economic development and provide a better quality of life for its citizens.

The Platte County Environmental Task Force and University Extension have received recognition for placing first in the educational category of Missouri Beautification Association’s awards program.

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