Alopecia, Vicky and such

Ponder the Thought has some decent reader feedback recently. Got a couple of nice texts about content of late. Makes me think it’s about time for the guy who told me to smoke a muffler to get back in on the action.

My man crush on Eric Greitens has waned. If he’s guilty of the accusations of his ex-wife, he needs to be slapped around by somebody tougher than Will Smith. My new political crush is Vicky Hartzler. She came out swinging on transgender athletes a couple of weeks ago and it was one of the best, most clear position political ads I had seen in years.

In the ad, she calls transgender athletes “men pretending to be women” and honestly I don’t understand how the party of science can argue, but they do.

You know what you don’t hear much about? Female to male transitions who want to compete in sports. I wonder why that is?

Political science is the only real science we have left in this world.

I’ve been a Kansas City resident for like three months and I’m already recycling. Probably attend a Hillary rally hosted by Mayor Q by late summer. Going to grow a beard and start drinking craft beers in a plaid shirt soon. What has happened to me?

If you catch me with a Sporting KC scarf, just assume I’m voting for Kamala for president.

Luckily, I have retained much of my rural Republican roots and had no idea the Oscars were happening last week. Over here in flyover country, most of us couldn’t care less if Will Smith and Chris Rock slap each other silly every night. We don’t care who wins an Oscar and we gave up on Hollywood speeches talking down to the masses long ago.

I find it ironic and sad that Smith won an Oscar for a movie that celebrated the achievements of a Black father and his daughters, yet all of the attention went to the actions of the actor who played the part, and for all the wrong reasons. Sad commentary on the narcissism that permeates our society. Richard, Venus, and Serena Williams should have been the story, yet here was poor Will and his balding wife, literally stealing the show.

Just between us, I think I have Alopecia. My hairline is in a race to the top of my head. I’m not talking about a jog to the top, that stuff is running full speed to the back of my head. I also noticed in a photo from last summer’s summer square bash coverage on the Landmark Facebook page that I had one of those monkey butt areas in the middle of my head that is moving outward at an alarming rate.

I’d appreciate your prayers and if you make fun of it, I’m hoping my wife will slap the crap out of you, but that is unlikely.

I’m going to investigate a hair transplant. I’m not sure what that costs, but I’m going to check the Landmark’s medical coverage and see where we stand on something like that. Is that new hair they grow, or do I have to have some dude’s back hair transplanted on my head? Not sure that’s for me, but we’ll see. I’ll keep you updated as needed. Prayers up!

(Guy Speckman can be reached at or at the Hair Center for Men)

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