Elected officials ‘taking away our votes’


On Jan. 6, 2021, our democracy was threatened by insurrectionists. But our police stopped them. Some people died, many more were injured because the “patriots” were attempting to take away the legal votes of us.

I say legal because our votes were counted and we elected a new president.

This was an attempt made by people from all over the United States.

Now, here in Missouri, we have a similar happening. But there’s a big difference. On the 6th, outsiders were trying to take away our votes. Here, in Missouri, we have elected officials trying to take away our votes to expand Medicare.

We don’t have any police protecting our vote like on the 6th. We do have everyone who voted YES to step up and make their voices heard.

This is a ‘red’ state and you voted these legislators to do your bidding. They are now saying your vote doesn’t matter.

I think many women are going to be the ones affected the most by this disregard for their vote.

I didn’t vote for them and I am calling on all Missourians to become the “police” for this attempt to disregard our legal vote.

This is my voice making noise against this thievery.

–Sharon Aring

Platte County

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