45 Years Ago–August 27, 1976

Mr. and Mrs. David W. Hunt of Platte City announce the birth of their daughter, Amanda Dawn, on Aug. 22, 1976. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joel W. Bryan of Platte City and the paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Beauford L. Hunt, Sr., of Camden Point.

Miss Monty Kay Anderson and Paul Holly Regan II will be united in marriage on Saturday, Sept. 4, 1976 at the home of the bride’s mother.

The softball tournament last weekend for the benefit of the American Cancer Society proved very successful, with a donation of about $400 to the American Cancer Society.

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Seckel are the proud parents of a baby boy born Saturday, Aug. 21, 1976 at Spelman Memorial Hospital in Smithville.

Mrs. Jo Ann Laughlin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Smither, has been chosen as an Outstanding Leader in Elementary and Secondary Education for 1976. Jo Ann is a graduate of North Platte High School and the University of Missouri at Columbia. She is now an elementary teacher in the Rich Hill Missouri public school system.

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