Judge Andrew Jackson Higgins, by letters to Gov. Ashcroft and chief justice of the Supreme Court of Missouri has resigned as judge of the Supreme Court of Missouri effective on his 70th birthday, June 21, 1991. Article V. Section 26 of the Missouri Constitution states all judges “shall retire at the age of seventy years.”
The Platte City Park and Recreation Board will sponsor a Name the Park Contest as part of the festivities for Platte City’s 1991 celebration of Zed Martin Founder’s Day this Saturday. Scheduled to be named is the park area by the city swimming pool on Fourth Street. All entries will be accepted on Zed Martin Day only, at the Park and Recreation information booth at the City Market 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The winner will be announced at a later time and will receive a $50 savings bond.
The children of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wade of Rushville Mo., formerly of Platte City, will cordially invite friends and family to celebrate their parents’ 50th anniversary . The celebration will take place Saturday, July 13 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the First Christian Church, Third and Ferrel Street in Platte City.
Sunday, June 30, Music in the Park will present the seventh concert in the series. This week’s performers, the Goodtime Radio Review trio, comes from Lawrence, Kan.