Feminine hygiene product drive set by sheriff’s office

Feminine hygiene

The Platte County Sheriff’s Office is conducting its annual feminine hygiene products drive. Donated products will be given out during the Platte County Back to School Fair this August. The Sheriff’s Office also works with the North Platte, West Platte and Park Hill school districts to distribute these products to adolescents in need once the school year begins.

Adolescence is a hard enough process for anyone to go through, even without the worry of having everything that you need. The stress of fitting in and making the right choices can be overwhelming. These stresses are often compounded further when financial pressures are present–the supplies that many take for granted become an immense burden when faced with having to decide between food and hygiene products or going to school or staying home. The Platte County Sheriff’s Office decided to help to make these decisions a little less stressful by starting a donation drive called “Platte County Sheriff’s Office Back to School: Helping Others.”

The hygiene products that the drive seeks to provide to young females are very much needed. In fact, access to hygiene products is listed as one of the largest issues affecting regular school attendance for girls. Providing hygiene products to this population will produce a noticeable outcome for the girls, and it will be a solid representation of Platte County Sheriff’s Office commitment to the community. These items will be available to schools in the area for families that have to decide between food or hygiene items.

On average, a woman will spend $14 to $20 a month on hygiene products. Providing help for the community’s girls can have a lasting and tangible reward.

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