Down she comes

Demolition of the old medical building off of Marshall Road in Platte City got underway Monday morning. The 1960 building, acquired by the city in December from Dr. Carl Myers, will be the site of a new City Hall/police station for the City of Platte City. Perkins Dozer out of Jamesport is the contractor for the demolition work. Cost for the entire demolition project is $28,700 which includes removal. Disposal of non-friable asbestos tile was completed by a hazmat subcontractor of Kansas City several weeks ago. In December, the city purchased the 4.2 acre property at 224-228 Marshall Road. The project has a construction budget of $3.2 million with a total project budget of $4.2 million. The budget allows $1 million for property acquisition, demolition and design. At the entrance to the property, the city plans to renovate an existing 4,400 sq. ft. building (2,200 on each floor) constructed in 1980.

Ivan Foley/Landmark photo

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