The disaster in Texas

Free markets


All the ‘small government’ proponents and ‘free market’ enthusiasts need only look at the disaster that has befallen the state of Texas to witness the consequences of such fallacious ideologies.

Wide-spread power outages, water shortages, loss of life and damage to properties are the result of deregulation, little oversight and lack of planning to deal with foreseeable, albeit rare weather events. In addition, climate science deniers in government who assume that businesses are functioning best when left alone do not believe that government has to play a role in preparing for the consequences of climate change.

Here we see what the warming of the atmosphere over the North Pole can entail: The Polar Vortex, the dome of cold air, was pushed out of its position by warmer air and has descended upon large parts of the North American continent. More disruptions of normal weather conditions are to be expected and we have to have governments which do their part to minimize the expected, but now almost unavoidable impact.

This will not be possible with ‘small government.’ By the way, markets, where they exist, always depend on the support of government, the question is only who is helped the most.

–Klaus Karbaumer

Platte City

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