Too many ballfields equals limited appeal


We read with interest the “Alderman has terse exchange with citizen” article in the Jan. 27 issue of The Landmark. We considered it to be well written and thought provoking.

When both of us voted for the new Platte Landing Park we assumed it would be a genuine park with a dog run, a wetlands area and a few ball fields. We did not realize that what we were really voting on was a gigantic sports complex. Had we known about the proposed parking lot for more than 400 cars, four baseball fields, four softball fields, two soccer fields, and a concession stand we would not have supported this proposal.

When we inquired of the City of Parkville as to why this had not been well advertised we were told that mailers had been mailed to us. We never received any such mail nor do we know of anyone who did.

What the city, in effect, is proposing to build is a sports complex. You have to stretch your imagination to call this a park. It is not unique, does not take advantage of the beautiful views of the Missouri River, and has limited appeal/use for the average citizen. If the city continues on this path, we predict there will be major traffic congestions in the area. It is also our understanding the city is considering installing lights for the sports fields. Some say that with the new lighting systems there will be very little ambient light. We believe this is pure hogwash as the lights will still be quite bright.

The city has the opportunity to build a park on our unique and beautiful river which will be useful and attractive for all citizens. We feel what is now being proposed is being crammed down our throats and we have very little (if any) input on this.

We hope you and your reporter, Debbie Coleman-Topi, will continue to investigate what is going on.

–Harvey and Joyce Greer


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