45 Years Ago–January 23, 1976

Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Grame of Platte City announce the birth of their daughter, Stacy Dee, on Jan. 15, 1976. She weighed seven pounds 11 ounces. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grame, Platte City, and Mr. and Mrs. Duane Hill, Haven, Kan.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Tim Weeks of Kansas City announce the birth of their daughter Amanda Megan,, on Jan. 19, 1976 at St. Mary’s Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Graham are the maternal grandparents and Mr. and Mrs. Lester M. Weeks are the paternal grandparents. The great-grandmothers are Mrs. Julius Chimdling, El Cajon, Calif., and Mrs. Florence Norton, Haven, Kan.

Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hawkins and Miss Dena Hawkins request your presence on Sunday, Jan. 25 between the hours of two and five p.m. to help celebrate the 25th wedding anniversary of their parents, William and Betty Hawkins of Camden Point. The reception will take place at the Baptist Church at Camden Point.

W.R. Allan returned home Tuesday after undergoing knee surgery last Thursday at the Cushing Memorial Hospital.

In the most recent action of the Pirates of Platte County R-3 wrestling, they beat Lawson 42-25 in a home match and took second in the Excelsior Springs Quadrangular Saturday, Jan. 17.

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