Defend the truth, not conspiracies

conspiracy theories


The following is an open letter to U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley:

Senator Hawley,

I saw on TV today you reported during the hearing that you had talked to 30 constituents and that they all thought they had been disenfranchised in this election.

My question to you is, how did you respond ? First of all, as much as I know, their presidential candidate won in the state of Missouri. That can hardly be called being disenfranchised.

Secondly, people have to tolerate that their candidate didn’t win in another state. That happens all the time. If the citizens of one state sued or complained that their candidate didn’t win in another state we would have all kinds of frivolous lawsuits all the time. I do not have to remind you that twice the Supreme Court and almost 60 times lower courts rejected the claims of Trump’s legal team. All of them couldn’t have been conspiring against the president. By the way, Republicans actually came out rather well in this election, did you remind your constituents of that and how can that be explained? The ‘conspiring election officials’ Democrats as well as Republicans, must have had a highly sophisticated strategy, right ?

Thirdly, did you remind your constituents of the fact that election workers of one party would have to conspire in large numbers secretly to have any measurable effect on the outcome and that this is highly unlikely? Did it happen in 2016 when Donald Trump lost the popular vote, but won the presidency with the electoral college? Or in 2000 with Bush? Did Republican election workers conspire then?

I would expect, Senator Hawley, that you defend the truth and not wild conspiracies.

I appeal to you today, let common sense and decency prevail instead of partisan speculation. Be a leader, not a follower of misguided people, and tell them the truth. The former vice-president won fair and square, with over seven million votes more than President Trump despite the latter’s impressive 74 million votes and Biden will rightfully be our next president.

–Klaus Karbaumer

Platte City

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