COVID wasn’t a hoax after all


With the pandemic relentlessly grinding on, so many lives lost, many people’s health and their finances damaged, it is time to remember that in spring and early summer many citizens shrugged it off, toed the president’s line that it was all just a hoax and even followed more sinister insinuations of certain commentators on a certain cable news channel that this was the work of inside enemies who wanted to bring down the American economy.

Now is the time for the people who spouted such nonsense to become responsible citizens, show that they are adults and are mature. How better to do this than to not just be silent about it or even finally wear a mask, but to talk to family, relatives and friends and tell how wrong such sentiments were at that time? People who do this might even impress the younger generation with their willingness to openly admit their mistakes.

A functioning democracy needs people who do not stubbornly cling to their emotional stances, but who let facts and reason prevail.

–Klaus Karbaumer

Platte City

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