Miss Nancy Jo Biggs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joedd Biggs of Platte City and J. Jeffrey Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. James D. Moore, St. Joseph, Missouri, were united in marriage on Oct. 4, 1975 at the United Methodist Church in Platte City by the Rev. Kenneth Lutgen, Jr.
The Platte City Pirates wrapped up the southern division of the Northwest Friday, Oct. 31 when they defeated the Smithville Warriors 21-0.
The women of the Platte City United Methodist Church are having a Country Store Sale on Friday, Nov. 14 at the church. Artwork, craft items, baked goods, Christmas ornaments, Christmas gifts, plus good used clothing will be for sale.
Mr. and Mrs Charles Umphreys and Ray have returned home from a trip to Colorado Springs, Denver, Brighton, Greeley, Loveland and Estes Park.
The Kansas City International Airport Ramada Inn at I-29 and Tiffany Springs Parkway is now a Breckenridge-operated hotel. The hotel, built and originally owned by the Barron Development Co., is now owned by State Mutual Investors, Worcester, Mass.