45 Years Ago–November 11, 1975

George Taubel, student council sponsor, attended the State Inter-Agency Council for Outdoor Recreation meeting in Jefferson County on Nov. 4, 1975. At this meeting, the Student Council was granted federal assistance to construct two tennis courts in the amount of $12,548, which represents a 50 percent funding by the federal government.

The Platte County Court has signed a 12-month lease agreement for 2,226 square feet of space in the Witt & Shafer building in Platte City. The space will provide an office for the county court, court secretary, county engineer, planning and zoning department and the proposed building inspection and mapping departments.

David Bridger booted a 22-yard field goal with 47 seconds left in the game to give the Platte City Pirates a 3-0 victory over the Orrick Bearcats in the season’s final game, Nov. 7, at Platte City.

Mrs. Lucile Jones attended the 109th annual convention of the Missouri Press Association at the Crown Center Hotel last weekend. Mrs. Jones was treasurer and has the distinction of being the first woman elected as treasurer of the association.

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