Voting for the future of our country


I like the smell and taste of fear almost as much as Rethuglicans still like the smell of Napalm in the morning. You like name calling? I like it also. I like the panic evidenced by entrenched politicians and religious groups that they may no longer have a strangle control of all things governed in Missouri.

I’m voting for the future of our country. Absolutely. I’m voting for voting freedom. I’m voting that all citizens turning 18 are automatically registered to vote. I’m voting so that everyone has access to an early ballot, can research candidates, issues, and taxes without censure.

Currently Missouri Statutes require that voters getting an absentee ballot have that ballot notarized. No other ballots have to be notarized. Mail-in voting has been authorized for the coming election for all those susceptible to COVID-19 without requiring a notary stamp. The successful response is creating panic among the gerrymanders. As it should.

I’m voting for the peaceful protesters, but not the ones sent in later at night to rob, burn and destroy. We all have a good idea of who’s really behind that. I like the fear that the large numbers of protesters across the country generated for those thinking we are just mindless sheep.

I’m voting to “defund” the police. Actually, it’s not “defunding” it’s revising and implementing critical upgrades to ensure the police force will not be turned into the mercenary military that we send overseas. Too many of our military forces have been dehumanized. They are a real and present danger when returning to the public life. We are tired of war. Period.

I’m voting to keep political brown noses out of my reproductive system. Only religious zealots seem to think it’s acceptable for women to be forced to produce children no one wants to feed, cloth, or educate, that our current government seems bound and determined to send to war.

I’m voting to restructure the entire educational system from top to bottom. The current system is failing all but the carefully selected “entitled” of this country. It’s the first form of disengaging everyone from being able to achieve the American dream. Tired of the Think Tanks of Harvard, Princeton, Yale, etc. being paid with tax dollars to inflict financial distress on the masses.

I’m voting for all the candidates that are making personal sacrifice to fight the entrenched “system.” I’m voting for men and women who are making significant inroads of change in all levels of government. The Electoral College which protects the less populated states? Boy is THAT a lie.

If you can call Democrats murderers while ignoring the current party history, then you are nothing less than hypocritic. In fact, I would also vote to make churches start paying taxes, as they keep telling their congregations how to vote. That actually might make congregations mindless sheep.

I’m voting for change. Change will always be necessary. It’s our fiduciary responsibility to keep abreast of the financial and medical needs of this country. It’s past time to ensure tax dollars are put to the best use possible for all citizens, not just the elite few.

Call me and all the other political parties anything you need to, we’ve taken your guff for a long time, we have the skill, knowledge and ability to prevail. And this time it’s our intent.

–Carol Clopton

Kansas City in

Platte County

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