Trickle down effect at its worst

Trickle down


For the first time in recorded history, the leader of our country is responsible for the following:

1. Denigrated our country’s prisoners of war. “Losers.” Remember Sen. John McCain?

2. Disregarded advice of scientists and doctors on how to handle the pandemic.

3. Spread unfounded fear of fraud in the voting by mail. Tried to disrupt the USPS by making radical changes to the mail service, which could make timely delivery of votes in jeopardy.

4. Allowed funds to help small businesses, voted on and approved by both houses, be given to businesses that were traded over the big board. Sen. McConnell’s wife’s company received over $1,000,000 of this money.

This is a small sampling of the poison that has seeped into our country’s very fibre. And, it’s being seen in our states, cities and counties. “Trickle down” in the worst way.

These are my opinions and mine alone. I still live in a country where I can state them in print.

I am going to vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on Nov. 3 because I believe come January I will still have this liberty: Freedom of the press.

Thank you, Mr. Editor. You have a great paper.

–Sharon Aring

Platte County

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