Not just voting for one person



Well folks, here’s my take. We never have been nor will we ever be at any more risk from the China virus than with any other virus. With a 99.983% survival rate, I think we are very safe. Would you buy a Power Ball ticket given those odds? Of course. And the masks? They are not saving us, they are simply lengthening the time this virus will be around. But come Nov. 4, this will all be over.

And, please, will someone define a peaceful protest versus a riot? It seems that if I am having dinner at an outside venue and “peaceful protesters” harass and harangue me forcing me, to leave the restaurant before a chair or glass is thrown at me, that is not a peaceful protest. These protesters are driving a wedge splitting us farther and farther apart. There is no unity sought or desired. But let me carry a sign down a public walkway stating “Jesus is Lord” and the police will ask me to leave. Burning and looting? More peaceful protests. Really?

And speaking of police, you want them defunded? Don’t be absurd. Only an idiot would march with a group supporting that. But let’s look a little closer and what do we find? Every state that is keeping their people locked down is governed (I use that term loosely) by, surprise, a Democrat. And every city where the riots have taken place is governed (again very loosely) by, another surprise, a Democrat.

Now parents, if you are sending your child to college, spending tens of thousands of dollars and expecting them to land a job in the STEM (science, tech, engineering, mathematics) fields, don’t hold your breath. There’s an H1b visa holder from India that jumps in front of your child. And abortion? With today’s medical prowess there is no reason for an abortion. Our Creator will not stand by and watch us murder another 62 million children. But one party wants to use taxpayer dollars to fund abortion. Hint, D.

So, here’s what I’m voting for:

.The Second Amendment

.Probably two Supreme Court justices

.The electoral college which protects the less populated states

.The police, and law and order

.The military, and the veterans who fought for and died for this Country

.The flag that is always missing from the Democratic background

.The right to speak my opinion and not be censored

.For secure borders

.The right to praise my God without fear

.For every unborn soul the Democrats want to murder

.For freedom and the American Dream

.For good and against evil

.I’m not just voting for one person, I’m voting for the future of my country.

List Author unknown

–Jim DeJarnatt


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