45 Years Ago–August 15, 1975

David Harold Hensley was born Tuesday, August 5, 1975 at Spelman Memorial Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Jacki Hensley. He has a three-year-old brother, Mark to welcome him home. He is lucky to have established by his birth a five generation family. His mother is the former Diane Gardner; his maternal grandfather, Fred Gardner of Dearborn; his great-grandfather Harold Gardner of St. Joseph; his great-great grandmother Mrs. Mary Gardner of Dearborn.

Mr. and Mrs. Ned Offutt of Weston announce the birth of their daughter Gail Annette, on Aug. 1, 1975 at Spelman Memorial Hospital. She has a sister, Evelyn Marie, who recently celebrated her second birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Buckler of Platte City and Mr. and Mrs. A. Offutt of Weston are the grandparents; Mrs. Aletha Jacks of Platte City is the maternal great-grandmother.

Mrs. Carl Stamps and daughter Judy Boydston, attended the awards and closing ceremonies at Wentworth Military Academy at Lexington, Mo., Friday morning. John Boydston, grandson and son, has spent eight weeks at the summer camp for the second year. He was given the best all-around camper award and was sergeant of his group. He also received first place in the 50 yd. rifle range and passed the junior life saving tests in swimming.

Rain or rather a drizzle and cooler weather finally came Wednesday after 53 days of hot, dry humid, hot-hot weather. Once during the 53-day period we had a bit of rain and some people measured one-tenth of an inch while others didn’t get enough rain to measure. Temperatures this week reached to 105. A slow rain continued Thursday morning.

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