A recommendation on name changes


I have a recommendation for all those who want to riot and loot, erase or change our history, and defund our police because of racism.

I think we need to change the name of the Democratic Party. They were the party of the Confederacy. They were the party of slavery. They were the party of the KKK. They were the party of Jim Crow laws. They were the party of segregation. They were the party that filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

You get my point.

If we are changing the names of schools, military forts, and streets across the country due to our racist past, doesn’t it make sense to change the name of the political party that supported racism? I vote to rename them the Socialist Party of America. Most of them would be more than happy to accept this title.

It’s a shame our liberal schools no longer teach true American history. If they did, the Democratic Party would be the first institution to fall, just like the statues of the Confederacy.

–Mike Stark

Platte City

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