Charges pondered in drug raid at Parkville

The police raid in Parkville on Feb. 29 sent a message to local businesses that authorities will not tolerate the selling of synthetic drugs.

As reported and photographed in last week’s Landmark, Parkville police were assisted by the Kansas City Police Department in their raid of some convenience stores within Parkville last Wednesday.

Drug Task Force members are currently determining whether felony charges can be brought against two convenience stores, said Parkville Police Chief Kevin Chrisman on Monday.

The determining factor, Chirsman said, will be the amount of synthetic marijuana that was confiscated. If the amount of the synthetic drugs sold turn up insufficient to warrant felony charges, this raid at minimum will certainly serve as a warning to those who are distributing the suspected drugs, added Chrisman.

Officers said they confiscated synthetic drugs that were kept under the counter at both Fast Stop and Everyday convenience stores on Hwy. 45.

A third location was searched Wednesday, but there were no illegal drugs found at that retail store, said Chrisman.

The synthetic drugs were labeled with brand names such as Flame, Cherry Blast, and Mister Happy.

Synthetic drugs can mimic marijuana, as well as other drugs. The products confiscated by authorities were incense-type products.

Authorities were alerted the alleged illegal substances were being sold at the convenient stores by a parent that got wind the substances were being purchased by high school students in the Parkville area.

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