Parkville receives 14 responses to the RFP for City Attorney

After passing several mayoral resolutions to celebrate Parkville Rotary Club’s 65th anniversary and a proclamation naming April 1, as Arbor Day in Parkville, it was down to more serious business at the Tuesday night board of alderman meeting in Parkville.

City Administrator Shannon Thompson informed the board that there were 14 responses to the request for proposals for city attorney. Mayor Gerry Richardson believed it was necessary to establish another committee to narrow down the list from 14. Richardson remarked, “Alderman (Jeffrey) Bay has graciously agreed to serve as chair of this committee.”

Alderman Scott McRuer and Alderman Marc Sportsman will also serve on the new committee and by unanimous consent, another committee was born.

Beth Phillips was again before the board for approval to move the first Spring Jam event, scheduled for Saturday, April 2 from public property to private property due to concerns raised by city leaders regarding the other events planned for that weekend in downtown Parkville. Phillips requested the board to approve her application with a new vendor to enhance the family appeal of the Parkville Spring Jam series. Snow cones will be available for sale the first weekend and depending on revenue, Phillips hopes to keep the vendor throughout the entire series.

Alderman Jim Brooks had several concerns regarding the change in venue from public to private property as it pertained to noise level and taxes to be collected.

“The vendor needs to be collecting the CID money or pay it at the end.”

Mayor Richardson requested comment from Police Chief Kevin Chrisman regarding the concerns the chief mentioned at the last board meeting pertaining to increased traffic, staffing concerns, bridge construction affecting traffic flow and the multiple events scheduled for the same day.

“It really changes nothing. With the bridge being all torn up there will be same amount of traffic, whether it’s on public or private land.” Chrisman responded. “We will have two off-duty police officers assigned to the event.”

The board unanimously approved the application for the Parkville Spring Jam series. For more information visit

One event Chief Chrisman will be attending is being held at Finnegan’s Hall located next door to the North Kansas City Bowling Alley, on April 2nd. The event is being sponsored by Shelley Wood of High Fashion by Watercolors with the proceeds going to Parkville’s Shop with the Cop program, being held at the same time as Spring Jam and Cruise Night.

Chrisman reported to the board that he had personally been down to the 9 Highway Bridge currently under construction with the eastbound traffic detoured to 45 Highway. He stated that everything had been clearly marked, yet some have still tried to drive the wrong way across the bridge to avoid the detour. The chief proclaimed to the board and the audience attending the

“Let this be notice to all of the citizens and visitors to Parkville. Traffic enforcement will be there day and night with a zero tolerance for those who try to go around the orange barrels.”

Richardson suggested that with everything the city has done to make a smooth transition with regards to the 9 Highway Bridge project that public opinion had not been good. Richardson further suggested, absent any board disapproval, that he consult with a public relations firm to at least examine the process of changing that for future projects.

Other tidbits of information from the meeting:

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