Saunders will aid Parkville in search

Parkville’s Board of Aldermen voted to hire Organization Consultants headed by Robert Saunders to help the city find a new city administrator to replace Joe Turner.

Organization Consultants will first help the city to profile of the type of person the board is looking for to fill the position. The consultants also arrange the necessary interviews of candidates for the board and sort through resumes to find the best candidates for the city.

The city of Parkville agreed to pay Organization Consultants $9,500 for their services in assisting the city.

Saunders’ Organization Consultants is the same group assisting the Platte City Board of Aldermen in their search for a new city administrator also. Saunders is charging Platte City $11,000 for his role with that city.

Turner resigned from Parkville in mid-April and went to work for the city of Fort Scott, Kan. In the interim, the city promoted community development director Sean Ackerson to be assistant city administrator and hired David Olson as interim city administrator until a permanent replacement is hired.

The city also approved an updated Tax Increment Financing, TIF, policy to provide new guidelines for developers seeking assistance financing a project in Parkville.

The policy includes a list of types of projects which will be seen more favorably by the city, including projects that are office or retail, projects which will provide high paying jobs, projects meeting environmental protection standards, and projects catering to alternative means of transportation in the city.

An agreement was also signed by the city with Kansas City Power and Light for a project called MPower. The agreement allows KCP&L to call on customers who have a generator to use the power created during high demand days between June and September.

According to the agreement the city will receive more than $1,800 for the year in credits back on the city’s power bill. The agreement helps KCP&L reduce strain on power plants during peak usage times during summer months.

5/7/08: Olson hired as interim administrator

4/16/08: City begins search for new administrator

3/26/08: City administrator resigns at Parkville

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