Trash rates at Weston could rise by 67 percent

The city of Weston on Monday opened bids for trash service. Only one bid was received, that being from Deffenbaugh Industries to provide the trash services.

The proposed residential trash pickup services will see an increase of 67.5 percent over last year’s prices, while some other services affecting businesses will be reduced.

The prices paid by customers are about 15% above the amount the city pays to Deffenbaugh to provide the services. The city uses the gross income from the trash arrangement to help pay the salary of an employee who, among other duties, is responsible for sending out trash bills to residents and businesses.

Under the proposed new rates, the price paid by residents of Weston would increase from $8.92 per month to $14.94 per month for trash to be picked up at residences. The change also drops the $1.67 fee paid by residents for recycling.

The rate for small businesses placing bags for pick up will decrease by two cents from $33.83 to $33.81 per month. The rate for business dumpsters being tipped three times per week will also decrease from $142.32 to $129.47 per month, a decrease of 9 percent.

Rates for medium businesses putting out bags of trash two times per week will see the price increase from $38.03 to $59.75 per month, an increase of 57.1 percent. The rate for residential dumpsters will increase from $35.14 to $55.22 per month, also an increase of 57.1 percent.

The increases mean an overall increased payment to Deffenbaugh by the city of nearly $2,700 per month, to a total payment of $13,262 per month.

The city will continue to receive bulky item pick up days and recycling services in the city. However, Deffenbaugh will no longer accept glass in the recycling products. They will continue to accept aluminum cans, plastic, cardboard, and chipboard.

An option for the city would be to let citizens make contracts with trash haulers individually, similar to Parkville.

“One option is to have citizens call and do their own contracts,” said Kim Kirby, city clerk. “The only other option is to look into buying our own trash truck.”

Kirby said the city previously looked into purchasing the truck and it was around $60,000 for one truck.

The city is expected to officially make a decision on a new rate structure at a later meeting. The city’s current contract expires in November.

The board also decided to hold a special meeting on June 19 at 5 p.m. to discuss how to advertise the proposed $3.2 million bond issue for improving the city’s water and sewer system.

The city will work on a fact sheet about the project to try to inform residents why the system is needed.

The board will also allow residents to tour the city’s wastewater facility on July 16 from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.

The city heard an update on the proposed gift of a caboose from the family of Virginia Hall and Ray Kirk. The caboose is scheduled to be delivered to the Weston area by July and be painted by August.

One proposed location for the caboose is in the area north of city hall where some engraved bricks are placed now.

According to Greg Hoffman, alderman, the city could simply remove some of the non-engraved bricks to provide an adequate area for tracks to support the caboose.

The board also chose to not renew the city’s flood insurance which costs the city $3,000 per year.

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