Parkville city clerk stepping down after 25 years

A 25 year veteran of Parkville’s City Hall workforce is stepping down from her post as city clerk. Barbara Lance, has decided it is time for her to slow down and spend more time doing what she calls, “things I want to get done on my own.”

The clerk position was officially awarded to the previous assistant city clerk, Claudia Willhite, at Tuesday night’s aldermen meeting. Willhite has been instructed from Lance the last three years where they shared duties as a team.

“The best way to learn is by doing it at the same time,” said Lance. “That’s how I learned years ago and Claudia (Willhite) and I have always gotten along beautifully. She would write the alderman meeting minutes one week, and then me the next. Transcribing those minutes takes a lot of time and that’s one part of the job I won’t miss.”

A new position was created at city hall which Lance gracefully will slide into working half days and 20 hours a week. This job is titled ‘Records and Special Projects Administrator.’

Lance will be responsible for scanning electronic files, needed research, and she will create a special section of historical files to map Parkville history. The special projects input will be needed for event planning such as the Mayors Christmas Party and awards events.

Website assistance like posting event notices and business lists online, and composing press releases and reports will be part of Lance’s new part time job. She will also carry the title of the deputy city clerk where she will sign documents if Willhite is absent.

The switching positions for city clerk will take effect Feb. 1.

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