Platte City wants to build parking lot downtown

During a budget workshop on Tuesday night, members of the Platte City Board of Aldermen discussed the funding element for a proposed new $250,000 parking lot in downtown Platte City.

The parking lot in discussion would be located across from city hall next to the Farm Bureau building near the intersection of Main Street and Marshall. City Administrator Keith Moody informed the board that the funds for the parking lot had been set aside in the general fund budget for Fiscal Year 2006. However, after some discussion Moody offered the board an alternative suggestion.

“I don’t anticipate coming up with a revenue source except for in the general revenue fund,” stated Moody. “I offer for your consideration that you have the redesign of Marshall and the design of the parking lot done around the same time as the design for the FY06 CIP.”

That option would allow the board of aldermen to fund the design of the project out of the city’s 410 Capital Improvement Fund. “If you add (the design of Marshall and the parking lot) to the design of the CIP, the money would be used out of the 410 fund instead of taking a large amount from the general fund,” stated Moody.

With Moody’s recommendation, board members agreed that his proposal was one to be considered, leaving that extra $250,000 in the general fund to be available for future needs by the city.

The redesign of Marshall will involve the straightening of the street.

During the workshop, the board was also informed that the 2006 budget presented to them included a water rate and sewer rate increase for the residents of Platte City. The board is expected to vote on proposed water and sewer rate increases at its Aug. 23 meeting.

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