County fair queen contestants are being sought

County fair queen contestants are being sought Plans are underway for the selection of the Platte County Fair Queen who will reign over events held at the 141st annual Platte County Fair, July 21-24.

Gilrs between the ages of 17 and 22 who would like to participate in the Miss Platte County Fair Queen contest should contact Corky Reineke at 20110 County Line Road, Edgerton, Mo., 64444, e-mail at or call 790-3753. Deadline for entries is July 5, 2004

New for the fair this year will be public presentations of speech or talent and evening wear held on the fair grounds opening night of the fair. The Queen Contest will begin at 8:30 p.m. at the Platte Pavilion with crowning immediately upon completion of the competition. The new Platte County Fair Queen will represent the Platte County Fair at the Missouri State Fair Queen Contest where the winner will receive a $1,000 scholarship.

Donations and sponsors of the queen contest are also being sought.

“It is our desire to have enough interested donors that we can offer sizable scholarships to other contestants in the Fair Queen contest” according to Corky Reineke, director of the event. Businesses or individuals interested in donating to the scholarship fund may do so by calling 790-3753 or sending their contribution to 20110 County Line Road, Edgerton, MO 64444.


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